These are some pictures we had taken of the girls in July! They are both getting so big now it is crazy. They both have been teething like crazy. Gabriella has 6 teeth and Isabella has 6 too! They are still crawling all over the place and are fast as lightning. They seem to be trying to walk but I am not helping them in anyway. Both girls will wave and say bye now as well as mama, dada and uh oh. They just might be the two cutest girls in the world. They make Eric and I laugh everyday and I still cannot believe how much God has blessed us. Both of the girls are now in daycare and they seem to be loving it
! They usually go right to the people in the morning and wave bye to me. No crying for these girls. They are going to be very mischievous too. Gabriella loves to open and close doors and Isabella is very curious. It is quite the combination. Gabriella opened the kitchen cabinet the other day and Isabella climbed right Gabriella shut her in the cabinet. I opened the door and she was just sitting there grinning. Gabriella also does this crazy spin move that totally cracks Eric and I up. She will be sitting on her booty and she will do a full 360. It is hilarious...who knows maybe she will be a break dancer. She has also started making the most awful face thanks to Grammies Pruitt. Both girls love to go to church they totally rock out during praise and worship it just makes you want to bust into tears. Last Sunday Gabriella danced and held up her hands the entire praise and worship I have to imagine that such pure innocent worship melts Jesus' heart. I have to think that that is exactly how he would like us all to worship. It is crazy that our own children are strengthening our walk with Christ. I pray everyday that I can give these girls all they need spiritually and physically because they have already given Eric and I more than we could ever imagine. What a true blessing from above!

Gabriella is on the left, Isabella is on the right.
Isabella RubyRae & Gabriella MillieMae