My Sweet Babies

Monday, December 15, 2008
Cold Season
Well I hate to say it but both of our little angels have a cold. It is the most terrible thing ever. Gabriella was the only sick one for a couple of days but now Isabella has it too. Gabriella seems to be getting over hers but Isabella has just began. I wish they knew how to blow their nose and spit lugies (spelling??). It would make them feel so much better. Some good news though for the past 4 or 5 nights one baby has slept though the whole night!!!! They switch off though, Isabella slept all night last night but the night before Gabriella slept all night. So hopefully we will get it together soon and both of them will sleep through the night. Keep your fingers crossed. Also the girls went to Athens this weekend for their first college visit...HA HA. Actually Eric and I went to the UGA Football Gala and the girls came along with us. My mom and Laurie stayed in the hotel room with the girls while we went to the banquet. It was a nice trip and we had a great time. I cannot wait to take them again when the weather is warm so we can actually take them around campus and around downtown.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Long Night
I hate to say it but I think the girls are getting my snotty nose! Yesterday Sunny came over and kept both girls while I had to go to Atlanta for a mediation that took forever. I think that is the longest I have been away from them since they were born. I was so glad when I got back home to see them. A little side note Sunny is an awesome babysitter!!! She comes highly recommended from both Gabriella and Isabella. O.k. back to yesterday by later in the evening Gabriella was sounding pretty snotty and she had this pitiful little cough but seemed to be sleeping just fine. However, I woke her up for her last feeding at about 10:00 PM and she would never go back to sleep. She was so sleepy but could not ever get comfortable enough to sleep so I ended up sleeping sitting up in the bed with her on my chest. Now, before I get hate mail I know you are not suppose to do this but their was no other way she would sleep. Every time I laid her down in her cocoon she would cough and let me assure you I did not sleep a wink with her on my chest because I was so scared I would fall asleep and drop her! She seems to be doing a little better this morning but we are going to go ahead and make an appointment at the doctors office just to make sure. Eric and I got to go to the hospital last night to see Jamie and Nick White's new addition, Judah. He was so precious!!! He will be the perfect little protector for the girls as they get older. We are so blessed to have such awesome friends like Jamie and Nick and it was truly a blessing to have Jamie to go through pregnancy with. I am sure there will be plenty of pictures of the three of them on the blog before you know it! Keep Jamie, Nick and Judah in your prayers and pray they will get to come home from the hospital healthy and soon!
Monday, December 8, 2008
We survived!!!
Last week was very interesting! Eric was out of town the whole week for work, so me and the girls packed our bags and went to stay with Grammies for the week. Thank the Lord for Moms and Dads. My Mom and Dad were the biggest help this week. Me and my Mom both begin to get a little snotty later in the week so my Dad actually helped me pull some night duty and he changed a diaper!!! We had a pretty good week some nights were a little rough and both girls had some really smelly gas! You would be surprised the stink that comes out of those little ones. I think that my parents are probably having withdrawals this week because the girls are not there any more but maybe not they might just be enjoying their uninterrupted sleep. Eric was so excited to see them when he got home but they had changed so much. They are so alert now and they have a new sound every day. It is truly amazing! I had hats on both of them when he got home and at first he could not tell which one was which. So, the more weight they gain the more they begin to look like each other.
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