My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Friday, February 25, 2011

Outing with the girls!

So I decided to take the girls with me last night to go watch the BHS One Act Play (only 30 mins).  Well of course we arrived right after the play had started and we were there for about five minutes when this precious little voice says, "I need to go potty!", and then the other precious little voice chimed in, "I need to go potty too!".  Off we went.  We had to walk all the way around the back of the room all the way to the front of the room and exit to the right of the stage to go to the potty.  However, both girls were very quiet and were amazed by the potty at Momma's School that flushes itself! :)  When we got back both girls sat and watch the entire play and as soon as it was over Isabella shouted "Game Over!"  They are hysterical and we have the best times together.

Side note just so I don't forget 10 years down the road when the girls take a Poop on the potty they tell us they are making an Alligator... LOL.  I have no idea where they got that one from.  On the potty note they are doing so good right now using the potty.  It will be amazing when we have no more pull ups!!  I cannot believe it has went by so fast.  Another funny potty story we went to watch one of Lexi's Basketball games last week and both girls had to go to the potty multiple times so after about our third trip we were walking back up the bleachers to sit down and my mom ask Isabella did you go potty and she says very loud and proud, "No, I just farted!"  What little ladies I have.  I am sure it made my Dad's skin crawl because he does not like the "F" word.

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