My Sweet Babies

Friday, May 29, 2009
In High Gear
The girls are all over the place and seem to be getting faster and faster. This week they have both figured out that they can crawl out of their room and into new rooms. So as soon as you turn your head they run for the door. Yesterday I was trying to change Gabriella and Isabella kept trying to grab the diaper rash cream. I got it out of her hands and then she started trying to touch Isabella's butt with the cream on it. So while trying to move Isabella, Gabriella gets up and starts crawling away naked with diaper cream every where. I retrieve Gabriella and begin to put her diaper on while Isabella is now trying to tackle her and lay on her belly...then the diaper breaks. As you can see some thing as simple as diaper changing becomes a daunting task! I started laughing so hard just thinking about how funny we all looked I could have peed in my pants. Gotta love these girls!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Precious Moments
I cannot believe how fast our girls are growing up. It just makes me want to cry! Last night I was just thinking about all of the simple things I enjoy about them being little. When they are nestled up against your neck falling asleep and you can feel the warmth of ever breath they take. When I feed them and they gently rub my breast, play with my hair or grab each others hands as they eat. The soft touch of their little fingers on my cheeks when they look up into my eyes. Their priceless gummy smile that is fading away as they get teeth. Their cute little fat legs that are quickly gaining muscle as they begin to stand more and more. Their sweet little bald spots that have disappeared as they grow more and more hair. How they will still hold on to just one of your fingers with all of their might. When I pick them up at the end of the day how they began to breath rapidly and bounce on their legs because they are excited to see me. That awful face they made the first time they tasted real food. The way their eyes light up every time their Daddy comes home or their precious giggle when you tickle their belly. These are the little things I will miss as they get bigger and bigger. I just wish I could make time stand still for a week or so.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Chewing on Everything
Last night I was fixing the girls crib and I look over in the other crib to notice that Isabella has something white all over her mouth. Naturally I think she has spit up so I go to wipe her mouth but notice it is not spit up. Actually what she had all over her mouth was white paint from her crib!!! Guess we are going to have to put bite rails on the cribs. She was chowing down.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Does it get any better

We made it back from Connecticut all in one piece! It was an amazing trip and the girls could not have been better. They did not cry one bit on the plane even though we had a lay over, flew out of Birmingham, and had a flight that was delayed! It was so great to see the "Yankee" family. I just hope we can go back again next summer because the girls are changing so much every day. They are both crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. I really will not be surprised if they start walking early. We finally dropped their crib mattresses this weekend because they have started standing up in the cribs. They are both jabbering non stop too, saying, "Mama" and even "Dada every now and then. Of course "Mama" is their favorite thing to say. I cannot believe they are growing up so just breaks my heart. Mother's Day was great, the girls got me a teething ring necklace that is brilliant!!! I also got a Spa Day which will be awesome...that is if I ever have the time to use it. The girls went for their sixth month appointment and the doctor said they looked wonderful. Isabella is 14 lbs and 12 oz and Gabriella is 15 lbs and 8 oz and both girls are 26 inches. Also they have both cut two teeth on the bottom and seem to be chewing on everything including each other. Their new trick this week seems to be making a motor boat sound with their mouth it is adorable. I only have about 15 more days of school and then I am out for summer...Thank You Lord!! I am so ready to spend a whole week with my girls from start to finish. I don't know what is going to be harder though being away from them is semester or leaving them when I go back to work in the fall!! Both girls seem to really enjoy church these days too. They have begun to shout with joy the entire service!!! We had to exit today because they got so excited about Brother Sid's message. Eric and I are so blessed beyond belief we were discussing tonight how to describe what are life is like because before the girls we were so happy and now we are beyond happy!! There are just no words to describe how we feel!! It does not get any better than this.
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