My Sweet Babies

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cutest Kids Ever

Monday, January 5, 2009
It was horrible!!!
O.k, so we just got back from the doctor about an hour ago. The girls did not get all of the shots they were suppose to. I only had them give them 2 shots today and it was awful! They were just so peaceful and content and then wham the nurse shoves a huge needle into their legs, not once but twice. Both girls screamed harder and louder than I have ever heard them cry!!! I could not handle it I was crying as hard as they were. Even my Mom was about to tear up. The only good news was it did not take them too long to settle back down but it was terrible. Thank God they did not get all of their shots in one day I think I would have punched the nurse square in the nose and shoved a needle in her butt!!!! Other than the awful, terrible, painful shots we found out both girls are extremely healthy and Gabriella weighs in at 10 lbs 5 ounces and Isabella weighs in at 9lbs 10 ounces! They are getting so big and grown up. We do not have to go back to the doctor again until March and their Dad is going with them at that visit I just cannot handle more shots, but I am not too sure he will do any better. Both of my sweet angels are sleeping peacefully now with their two band-aids on each leg.
Dooms Day
This morning has been great so far. Both of the girls are in a wonderful mood and they both slept until almost 8AM. It is awesome!!! They are just hanging out and giving me the biggest smiles today. But I feel terrible because we leave to go to the doctor in about an hour and they will be getting some of their shots! I feel like I am leading them on by being so up beat this morning they have no idea what is coming. Maybe they will surprise me and be pros and not even flinch at the needle. Plus, I am totally freaked out about the whole shot/Autism thing so I am going to ask the doctor to give them no more than 3-4 shots today and get the others at the next visit. Don't worry I have done a lot of research and it is o.k. to delay some of the shots. So keep your fingers crossed that they do not scream too loud and if they do Eric is taking off work for the next shot appointment!!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Well, I have to say I have been slack and have not updated the blog in quite a while. The girls are doing wonderful and are over their colds. However, Gabby sounds a little snotty but I hope it is just allergies. They had a wonderful Christmas and I will post some pictures on the next posting. They had their first pictures made with Santa which were adorable. They slept through most of the pictures and were the cutest in their dresses and pearls. The girls hit their 2 month milestone on New Year's Day!!! I have to say Eric and I were pooped on New Year's Eve and we went straight to bed at 12:01 AM.....I guess that is what happens to new parents. The girls got soooooooo many awesome things for Christmas I do not even know where to begin they are so loved and blessed! They have grown up so much too it is amazing. They are both giving us huge grins and sticking their tongues out. They can both roll over to one side as well and they can pick their chest and head up when they lay on their stomachs. Eric is convinced they are going to start crawling but I think we have a little while longer for that. The greatest news ever is that they are both sleeping through the night!!!!!! They actually just woke up this morning about 7 AM. Last night was the first night that I slept the entire time. Even when they would sleep I was constantly getting up to check on them. Gabriella and Isabella both are starting to get the cutest personalities which is good because they have a lot to compete with considering Lexi, Macie, and Ella (Pruitt girls). I only have about 2 weeks left until I go back to work and I am dreading it more than anything. It is definitely going to be hard to leave them but I am a little more calm because we have a really awesome friend watching them. However, that does not mean I will not be counting the days down until summer arrives. Plus, I cannot wait until we take our family trip to Florida. It will be a blast.
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