The girls are growing up so fast it is crazy! They are about 3 1/2 months old now and they are really starting to have the cutest personalities. Gabriella is so sweet when she eats she will rub her head the whole time and she also does this crazy thing with her mouth that looks like she has dentures or she is gumming some food. It is so funny to watch and she smacks so loud when she does it. Both girls are getting very active now. They are rolling over and trying to push off with their legs. I cannot imagine how crazy it will be when they are both mobile. Isabella has started squealing really loud too it is hilarious. She embarrassed Eric in church this past Sunday because she was so loud. School has been crazy this week. Two days in a row I have leaked and I cannot figure out why. One of the days was close to the end of the day and I had not pumped because I went with the girls to get their pictures made. So that day was understandable because they were just full. However, this morning right after first block they started to leak and they have never leaked this early in the day. Plus I feed the girls this morning so they should not be that full.
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