I know I have been a little slack with the blog lately but I have been a little busy being a milk factory for two beautiful growing girls. This first week has been full of its challenges but I think it has been the most amazing week of my life. These two little girls are so precious I just cannot get enough of them. Actually I think their Dad is worse than I am because I have to make him put them down at times other wise he would hold them all day long. They have been great babies thus far. Sure they do not sleep really well at night but I thought that was a given. During the day they sleep like logs though. I am feeding them every two hours during the day too and every three hours during the night so I am literally a jersey cow!!! I am feeling pretty good too. I am still a little sore from the operation and my body is never going to be the same but it was totally worth it! We had our first doctors visit on Thursday and Isabella had gained 2 oz so that was awesome and Gabriella had stayed the same which is fine because she is a little piggy. We also went to the lactation consultant on Friday to make sure I was doing everything right and the lady said that I had "Super Babies" and I was so easy to work with for twins so that is awesome. Currently I am trying to master the technique of feeding both babies at once which is quite the task but when I can get it down we will be in business. The babies will go back to the doctor on Monday for another weight check and lets keep our fingers crossed that they have gained more weight that way we do not have to start with the formula again. I am determined to be strictly breast as long as I can. The girls are both so cute they have the funniest little personalities already and they are both the spitting image of their father all the way down to the complete blow out poots! Also an update on the dog, Odell Dooley is doing so good with the babies it is amazing. He has to be where ever we are and he does not try to jump up or get them at all he just calmly lays down beside the chair and waits. The only problem he is having is being scared of the backyard because we hooked up an electric fence around the bottom and he has been shocked twice and now you have to drag him outside. I am going to include quite a few pictures with this blog and also a link to go look at other pictures. I hope you enjoy and as the days go by maybe I will be better at updating the blog.

Grammies at the hospital with the babies.

Lexi holding cousin Izzy.

Dad the day we came home!!!
Nothing like sleeping with a baby on your chest!!

Pops with Gabriella!
CHECK OUT THIS LINK FOR MORE PICTURES OF THEIR FIRST WEEK.http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?mode=fromshare&Uc=a4r7kru.9n1zpxju&Uy=-q0i70j&Ux=0
1 comment:
They are absolutely gorgeous! Congrats!
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