My Sweet Babies

Friday, October 31, 2008
All I have to say is finally!! We went to the specialist today at 11:00 AM after about 2.5 hours at his office he decided to go ahead and send me to the hospital. I am so swollen it is crazy. My legs had gotten so big they would not even fit in the seat in the waiting room. I have to say the swelling is the most uncomfortable part thus far. Things are swollen on my body that I did not even know could swell! Currently I am in a lovely room with a beautiful view and a great air conditioner. They have me hooked up to a monitor which I will be hooked up to for the rest of my life apparently! It is pretty uncomfortable but at least I am here to stay. They are going to start medicine tonight to ripen my cervix after I eat dinner and then they will start the pitocin (spelling) tomorrow morning at 7AM. I told my doctor I did not have any request except that we get these babies out before 3:30 PM! I will try and write another update tonight if I cannot sleep. Please keep us in your prayers and hopefully we will have some beautiful babies tomorrow! Oh by the way, we are at Cobb Wellstar hospital in room 20. I love you all and thanks so much for all of your thoughts and prayers! Eric says he is very excited and of course his hair is perfect, he smells nice and he has on a button up shirt for skin to skin contact.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Doctor Visit and Hospital Again!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Moly! I think God is really testing my patients at this point. I went to the doctor yesterday about 1:20. I had gained a good bit of weight in a week....DUH, my legs and feet look like they could explode any minute! Also the doctor measured my uterus and it is measuring like someone who is 48 weeks pregnant. Then she proceeded to tell me I had the biggest belly she had seen in quite a while even with triplets. They really know how to make you feel sexy!! Among other things my blood pressure was a little high and they also said I had high levels of protein in my urine. So, they decided that I needed to go ahead and go to the hospital. The Midwife said she did not think they would send me home, but would keep me and probably go ahead and move up my induction date. Even though I really did not want to be induced I was so excited I could not contain myself. Off we go, me and Mom to the hospital. Meanwhile Eric left work and drove to Bremen to get the car and all of our stuff as well as take a shower and make sure his hair was perfect for the arrival of his little girls! You have to love marrying such a metrosexual man, he is such a hottie!! Well, after about 3 hours in triage, being hooked up to monitors and having my blood pressure taken ever 15 minutes while laying in the most uncomfortable position....oh did I mention Dr. Brenda Pruitt reading the monitors the whole time and giving me her expert opinion on what was going on. The nurse came in and said I have some great news, "You get to go home!" I could have slapped her so hard her hair would fall out. I was seriously so mad I wanted to tie myself to the bed. I said that is not good news, it just means one more day of being totally uncomfortable and not being able to sleep. Eric was also disappointed once again. I have decided I will not believe anything the doctors say again, these girls are clearly coming whenever they feel ready regardless of what any of us say. Sounds like they got some of their parents' stubborn genes. Just as a side note too, Eric and I have taken the advice of all of you experienced mothers and I assure you we have tried EVERYTHING to get this labor going and I am telling you nothing is working. I just might go jump on a trampoline tomorrow or something. Keep praying, hopefully we will have some babies before election day!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Another Trip to the Hospital
Today was another day filled with lots of pain and disappointment. I did not sleep very well last night and somehow I finally ended up asleep in the girls' nursery covered up with two of their blankets. My very sweet husband did not wake me instead he left me a note that said he was at church and had left the phone of the hook so no one would bother me. He is truly wonderful! So, after sleeping for a couple of hours I was awoken by my back hurting again and having a contraction that was not really painful but never ending. I thought I would be o.k. but it only got worse. The back pain took my breath away and made me feel like I was going to throw up and pass out all at once. I walked to the kitchen very slowly trying not to panic and took some Tylenol and called the doctor. She said to go ahead and come in so that they could check me out since my pain was so bad and only on one side they just wanted to make sure it was not my kidneys. I sent Eric a text message and asked him to hurry and come home, which he did and we left for the hospital yet again. This time Eric drove much faster with a lot of urgency because I was in so much pain. When we got there of course they hooked me up to the monitor and checked me again. They told me that I had not dilated anymore but that they were going to watch me for a while. After about an hour, a cup of the best ice ever, and a glass of cran-grape juice they said they would have to send me home again! However, at this point I was in so much back pain that tears were rolling down my face. They decided to give me a shot of some kind of pain killer and told me if tomorrow the pain came back to go ahead and go to the doctors office and they would write me a prescription. The nurses (sweetest ladies ever) said that the pain would come back and since they ruled out my kidneys it was being caused by having such big healthy babies who are crushing my insides! We left the hospital again but not before Eric stopped and got me a bowl of my favorite soup in the whole world from Ted's Montana Grill. It is tomato soup that is to die for and they only make it on Sundays, so as you can see God did reward me in some way today! I didn't have babies but I did get my soup and a glass of fresh lemonade and no heartburn!!! At this point I am just taking it one day at a time and hoping that I can actually sleep tonight.
Will they ever come....
I have quite a bit of news to add. Eric and I ended up going to the hospital on Friday morning about 5:30AM. I had been having contractions for about 2.5 hours that were regular and uncomfortable. I also had a lot of back pain. I was convinced this was it. So, I took my time fixed my hair, put on make up put everything by the door and then woke Eric up. By the time I got him up I was feeling pretty bad and of course he had to take a shower and fix his most perfect hair before we left. When he was finally ready I was very uncomfortable. However, he looked really sexy for 5:30 in the morning. Well, we got to the hospital and it was very rainy and cold it took us right at an hour because Eric was driving very carefully because of all the rain and traffic. They hooked me up to a monitor and the doctor came in to check me right away. He had some disappointing news that I was still only about 1.5 cm dilated but they would leave me hooked up to the monitors and see if anything changed. In the mean time I seemed to totally relax and the contractions basically stopped. A lady came in to do a position check of the babies and they are both still very far head down and look just perfect. There was a shift change and the new doctor came in to check me again. She also said not much had changed and there was really no reason to keep me!! She still seemed to think that I would go any day maybe even later that night. So, Eric and I left the hospital very disappointed!!
The rest of the weekend has been very interesting. I have felt like complete and totally road kill. I am having contractions that are uncomfortable but never painful and usually not consistent at all. The babies are moving around like they are having a fiesta inside my stomach and my back feels like it is about to snap in half. Basically my whole weekend as consisted of begging God to let my water break or real labor to begin, sitting in a chair with a heating pad, taking tylenol every 4-5 hours to relieve my back pain, watching football, and living in my brother and sister-in-law's spa tub (literally, I stay in for about 2-3 hours)! I just got off the phone with the doctor again this morning about my back pain and she suggested that I try to hold out on coming to the hospital unless something changes and wait for my next doctors appointment on Tuesday. She said they might move my induction date up at that point.
So, I am asking everyone to take a moment and pray that it be God's will that I have these babies before then. I really do not want to be induced and I am hoping I can go on my own and preferably before Tuesday! Again thanks to all of you for your continued support and prayers we have been truly blessed to be so lucky this far (which I have to keep reminding myself of), but I want to curse Eve daily for taking that fruit from the snake!!!
The rest of the weekend has been very interesting. I have felt like complete and totally road kill. I am having contractions that are uncomfortable but never painful and usually not consistent at all. The babies are moving around like they are having a fiesta inside my stomach and my back feels like it is about to snap in half. Basically my whole weekend as consisted of begging God to let my water break or real labor to begin, sitting in a chair with a heating pad, taking tylenol every 4-5 hours to relieve my back pain, watching football, and living in my brother and sister-in-law's spa tub (literally, I stay in for about 2-3 hours)! I just got off the phone with the doctor again this morning about my back pain and she suggested that I try to hold out on coming to the hospital unless something changes and wait for my next doctors appointment on Tuesday. She said they might move my induction date up at that point.
So, I am asking everyone to take a moment and pray that it be God's will that I have these babies before then. I really do not want to be induced and I am hoping I can go on my own and preferably before Tuesday! Again thanks to all of you for your continued support and prayers we have been truly blessed to be so lucky this far (which I have to keep reminding myself of), but I want to curse Eve daily for taking that fruit from the snake!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Seems like they are stalling...
Eric and I decided that we would go ahead and eat at Scalini's last night hoping that the eggplant parmesan would put me into labor. But as you can tell it is about 20 hours later and we have no babies. I did have a good bit of contractions last night but still they are not regular! I just finished eating the rest of the eggplant for lunch so keep your fingers crossed and maybe we will have some action later today. We were totally convinced it was going to be last night but appartently my uterus is really cozy and they have no desire to get out. I did walk to the mailbox today hoping maybe that would help a bit. Everyone keeps saying to walk but at this point I am so uncomfortable and my feet are so swollen that walking is quite the task.Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Making some progress finally!!!!!!!!
We are considered FULL TERM now!!! This is what we have been praying for since day one. So first let me say thank you to all of those prayer warriors out there. Next let me say everyone can change their prayer to hurry up and get out!! I went to the doctor yesterday and the babies are still doing just wonderful! I am finally dilated. However, it is only a dilation of 1.5 cm but "Baby A" is so low that she could actually feel her head. It was insane. Also I stopped taking my medicine yesterday so maybe the babies will decide to go ahead and come visit the world before the week is over. I felt really bad last night and had contractions all night long. They were never consistent though but some of them did hurt so we might be on the right track. So far today I have been contracting all morning but again not very consistent. However, the babies Godmother (Emily P.) called and had a talk with the girls on speaker phone to try and encourage them to go ahead and come on out. Hopefully that has encouraged them some. Yesterday when Eric got home he attempted the task of putting the car seats in the car. All I can say is he was out there for hours putting them in and they are strapped down but were not real sure how correctly they are strapped in. One of our friends is going to come by today and check them out for us. So, if Eric could give you one piece of advice he would say no matter how pregnant you are go ahead and put those seats in now!! I am going to include a picture of the girls big brother. His name is Odell Dooley and he has been mine and Eric's only child for almost 5 years. He is absolutely precious and has gotten totally spoiled since I am home all day with him. He really enjoys laying in my lap and resting his head on my belly. I think this has been his way of bonding with his two little sisters for the past nine months. It is funny though because when he does this they always move around like crazy. I think he is going to be a great big brother and cannot wait until he meets his sisters. FYI he is not a pitbull for all of you wondering. He is a Stafforshire Bull Terrier and in Europe there breed is nicknamed "The Nanny Dog" because they are such compainions to children. However, do not worry I have done all kinds of research which even includes emails back and forth with "The Dog Whisperer" himself and we are going to follow all the proper steps to introduce the babies to their big brother! Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Rocking my big baby to sleep!
Yes, that big thing he is laying on is my belly!
Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen!
Yes, that big thing he is laying on is my belly!
Monday, October 20, 2008
No News Yet....
Well, I hate to say that Eric and I did not make it to Scalini's this weekend so I have no new news to report. We did go eat at Tokyo's on Friday though and I have never ate so much food in my entire life. I felt like a complete pig! I did not have much action this weekend at all. On Saturday morning I was having some pain in my back but Eric gave me a rub down and it went away. I really did not have that many contractions yesterday at all if any. I only take my medicine one more day though, so maybe after that I will go ahead and go. Also I go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon. At this point I am getting pretty restless and would really like these two precious girls to get here!!! I was hoping they would at least be about 3 months old before I have to go back to work.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Doctors Appointment
We went to the doctor today and the babies are still doing just wonderful. Both babies are very low and seem to be eagerly awaiting to come visit the world. They are both around 6 pounds now. The doctor did not check me but he says that it could be anytime. He still wants me to keep taking the medicine for the contractions because he would prefer that I make it to 37 weeks which is what I have been wanting all along. I will be 37 weeks on next Wednesday so not much longer. Eric and I went to get a video camera tonight so I think we are completely ready at this point as far as having everything together that is. I believe Eric and I are going to go eat at Scalini's tomorrow night. It is an Italian restaurant in Marietta that has amazing eggplant Parmesan and they claim it will make you go into labor. So I will let you know how that works if we go tomorrow. We are both very excited and cannot wait to bring our two beautiful girls home!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Date Is Set
Well, I went to the doctor today and everything is just fine. Both babies have beautiful heartbeats and are moving more than anyone thought they would be at this point. Also today at the doctor's office I set up my date for induction which is November 3rd at 7PM. However, that will be 39 weeks so I am really hoping that I will go ahead and go on my own before then. I felt pretty good for the first part of the day today and then I felt terrible the second half of the day. Go figure! Now I am going to try and go to bed...we will see how that goes.
A little Sleep Finally
Well, let's just say I think I slept about a total of 4 hours last night in the bed and it was awesome!! That is the most I have slept during the night in quite a while. I really have not had any contractions lately but the babies are still moving like wild animals in there. I go back to the doctor today around 3:00 and hopefully I will have some kind of update for you all. Yesterday I had quite a few visitors which was fun. It gets very lonely here all day by myself. Things seem to be going smoothly here at the end except for the fact that just thinking about food gives me heart burn and indigestion so bad I think my throat is on fire. I finally broke down last night and took some Mylanta up until then I had just been eating tums like they were skittles. Also I am guessing my hands are starting to swell more now too because they go numb a lot. But one of my books says carpal tunnel syndrome is very common. I am assuming I have a little touch of that too! That is all I have for you right now but I will add another update when I get back from the doctor today. Have a great day!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Feeling a little crappy
Well, today has been interesting. I did not sleep very well at all and I felt awful when I got up this morning so I tried to go back to sleep. I had a few contractions early in the morning but they were not regular and went away after a short while. On Thursday I went back to the doctor and everything looked just fine. Both babies are still moving every where which blows my mind because at some point they are suppose to run out of room and slow down. However, at this point they seem to still be fighting with each other non stop! I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and I will go ahead and schedule my induction. I think I am going to schedule it for 39 weeks that way maybe I will go ahead and go naturally before the induction date. Yesterday was fun because I finally got out of the house for a little while and went to visit my hair lady in Atlanta. Then I ate lunch at firehouse subs which is amazing by the way and you should all go get a sandwich today! The rest of my day today is going to consist of trying to write some thank you notes and watching the Dawgs play!!! Go Dawgs!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lazy Day
Well, I have to say today me and the girls were very lazy! At this point I am not able to sleep at all at night. I get in the bed and might go to sleep for an hour at the most and then the rest of the night consist of going to the bathroom, staring at the wall, hating Eric because he looks so cozy, and trying to move Odell (our wonderful dog) who is also sound asleep. One really funny thing about Odell is he loves to sleep right on top of my stomach and when he does this the babies go crazy. I guess it is there own little way of bonding with each other. So, as I was saying today was a very lazy day. I got up about 5 AM when Eric left to go work out because I was not sleeping anyway so there was no use in staying in the bed any longer. I fixed some breakfast which consisted of spaghetti casserole made by one of the wonderful teachers at BHS and then I watch two Oprah shows. Thanks to Oprah's soothing voice and the pidder padder of the rain on our sky light I was ready for a nap so I sleep until about 10 AM. The rest of the day consisted of watching Oprah shows and reading. I really tried to make myself stay in one spot today because my feet have started to swell again. But it is horrible sitting and thinking about all of the things I could be doing or the things that need to be done and not being able to do them. It will drive a person crazy!! I am going to end this post by attaching some pictures of the babies room for all of you who have not got to see it. Eric did about 98% of the work himself and his father and a couple of friends helped with the rest. It is absolutely beautiful and Eric really took a lot of time to make sure it was perfect.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Let's See if this works...Beautiful Pictures
Here are some awesome pictures that my cousin Cory took when he came up to Georgia for a visit and you can also view my 3D/4D ultrasound photos. I hope you guys enjoy!
FYI you can check out more of Cory's brillant photos at .
Click on the link below for the pictures
FYI you can check out more of Cory's brillant photos at .
Click on the link below for the pictures
Almost Time
Well, this is my first entry into "The Adventures of the Labbe Girls". I am currently about 35 weeks pregnant and on bed rest. I just got back from the doctor today. I have not dilated at all but last night was filled with contractions. Eric and I both thought we were going to have to high tail it to the hospital last night! Both of the babies are about 5 pounds now which is awesome but my hope is we can go about 2 more weeks so that the babies will be more like 6 or 7 pounds. Eric and I are very excited and I feel like we are as ready as we can be. Of course I am still racing to finish reading all of my baby books so that I can be the best mom ever and Eric is researching video cameras so that he can take some good footage at the hospital. Also Eric and I made a cast of my belly last night. It was pretty interesting because I had to sit still for a very long time while he placed wet plaster strips across my stomach. The end result is pretty cool though and I hope that the girls will appreciate all that my body has been through for them. Well, I am going to head off to the bed and make myself lay down for a while.
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