My Sweet Babies

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Another Trip to the Hospital
Today was another day filled with lots of pain and disappointment. I did not sleep very well last night and somehow I finally ended up asleep in the girls' nursery covered up with two of their blankets. My very sweet husband did not wake me instead he left me a note that said he was at church and had left the phone of the hook so no one would bother me. He is truly wonderful! So, after sleeping for a couple of hours I was awoken by my back hurting again and having a contraction that was not really painful but never ending. I thought I would be o.k. but it only got worse. The back pain took my breath away and made me feel like I was going to throw up and pass out all at once. I walked to the kitchen very slowly trying not to panic and took some Tylenol and called the doctor. She said to go ahead and come in so that they could check me out since my pain was so bad and only on one side they just wanted to make sure it was not my kidneys. I sent Eric a text message and asked him to hurry and come home, which he did and we left for the hospital yet again. This time Eric drove much faster with a lot of urgency because I was in so much pain. When we got there of course they hooked me up to the monitor and checked me again. They told me that I had not dilated anymore but that they were going to watch me for a while. After about an hour, a cup of the best ice ever, and a glass of cran-grape juice they said they would have to send me home again! However, at this point I was in so much back pain that tears were rolling down my face. They decided to give me a shot of some kind of pain killer and told me if tomorrow the pain came back to go ahead and go to the doctors office and they would write me a prescription. The nurses (sweetest ladies ever) said that the pain would come back and since they ruled out my kidneys it was being caused by having such big healthy babies who are crushing my insides! We left the hospital again but not before Eric stopped and got me a bowl of my favorite soup in the whole world from Ted's Montana Grill. It is tomato soup that is to die for and they only make it on Sundays, so as you can see God did reward me in some way today! I didn't have babies but I did get my soup and a glass of fresh lemonade and no heartburn!!! At this point I am just taking it one day at a time and hoping that I can actually sleep tonight.
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I LOVE YOU TWO SO MUCH! I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable Jess, but I LOVE your updates. Thank you! Hey, Eric gets all his good qualities from his Aunt Mares :)
I am so sorry you are in so much pain....but you are my hero! Love ya girl!
Come out babies!!!!
I am sooo sorry about the trips back and forth to the hospital. I know it can be very stressful. It seems though that everything else is ok. Just remember the saying...if he can get you to it, he can get you through it! I LOVE YOU! BEST OF LUCK ON RELIEVING THE BACK PAIN!
I hope they come to see me soon! I think it will make everyone a little more comfortable-mostly their mommy! Love you Jess! Feel good today!
Oh, Jessica! I hope you have some better news after your, I think. We have been thinking about all of you & wish you lots of rest & pain relief...& two beautiful, healthy baby girls (very soon!).
Hey Jess, I am praying for you. Aww look at my little Odel man (in my high voice)!!! Let me know if you need anything, I will come over and do dishes or anything!!!!
Hey Jess, I am praying for you. Aww look at my little Odel man (in my high voice)!!! Let me know if you need anything, I will come over and do dishes or anything!!!!
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