My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seems like they are stalling...


Eric and I decided that we would go ahead and eat at Scalini's last night hoping that the eggplant parmesan would put me into labor. But as you can tell it is about 20 hours later and we have no babies. I did have a good bit of contractions last night but still they are not regular! I just finished eating the rest of the eggplant for lunch so keep your fingers crossed and maybe we will have some action later today. We were totally convinced it was going to be last night but appartently my uterus is really cozy and they have no desire to get out. I did walk to the mailbox today hoping maybe that would help a bit. Everyone keeps saying to walk but at this point I am so uncomfortable and my feet are so swollen that walking is quite the task.

1 comment:

Abigail's Mommy said...

Well I always heard that would work. Oh well for the free They will come, but then again you are soooo lucky they have stayed inside this long!!! LOVE YOU and GOOD LUCK!