We are considered FULL TERM now!!! This is what we have been praying for since day one. So first let me say thank you to all of those prayer warriors out there. Next let me say everyone can change their prayer to hurry up and get out!! I went to the doctor yesterday and the babies are still doing just wonderful! I am finally dilated. However, it is only a dilation of 1.5 cm but "Baby A" is so low that she could actually feel her head. It was insane. Also I stopped taking my medicine yesterday so maybe the babies will decide to go ahead and come visit the world before the week is over. I felt really bad last night and had contractions all night long. They were never consistent though but some of them did hurt so we might be on the right track. So far today I have been contracting all morning but again not very consistent. However, the babies Godmother (Emily P.) called and had a talk with the girls on speaker phone to try and encourage them to go ahead and come on out. Hopefully that has encouraged them some. Yesterday when Eric got home he attempted the task of putting the car seats in the car. All I can say is he was out there for hours putting them in and they are strapped down but were not real sure how correctly they are strapped in. One of our friends is going to come by today and check them out for us. So, if Eric could give you one piece of advice he would say no matter how pregnant you are go ahead and put those seats in now!! I am going to include a picture of the girls big brother. His name is Odell Dooley and he has been mine and Eric's only child for almost 5 years. He is absolutely precious and has gotten totally spoiled since I am home all day with him. He really enjoys laying in my lap and resting his head on my belly. I think this has been his way of bonding with his two little sisters for the past nine months. It is funny though because when he does this they always move around like crazy. I think he is going to be a great big brother and cannot wait until he meets his sisters. FYI he is not a pitbull for all of you wondering. He is a Stafforshire Bull Terrier and in Europe there breed is nicknamed "The Nanny Dog" because they are such compainions to children. However, do not worry I have done all kinds of research which even includes emails back and forth with "The Dog Whisperer" himself and we are going to follow all the proper steps to introduce the babies to their big brother! Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen!
Rocking my big baby to sleep!
Yes, that big thing he is laying on is my belly!
1 comment:
Odel is one hot stud!!! The pictures made my day and I laughed out loud here at work so thanks! I have loved living thru the the life of the labbes! Love ya!
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